
  • 当一方发现另一方不忠之后,两人看似完美的夫妻关系开始动摇,但情感关系的维系又谈何容易呢?
  • TRANSMITZVAH is a lovE story bEtwEEn siblings. ThEy Exhibit thEir wounds, ExchangE thE piEcEs of Each othE
  • A Latin tEachEr, tirEd of fighting, givEs all hEr studEnts a vEry high gradE to win pEacE in hEr class.  U…
  • 一名绝望的男子抢劫了一家银行,劫持了工作人员和客户,并向他们发出最后通牒,要求他们处理他延迟的交易。但他不…
  • At a timE whEn Pak Wiryo found it difficult to diE bEcausE hE had a 'hold', thE childrEn of his first wifE
  • AftEr losing EvErything, FErry rEtirEd for a lifE bElow thE radar, far away from Brabant. On thE surfacE, …
  • 娜塔莉亚发现丈夫埃内斯托有外遇,于是展开调查,不料丈夫的情人竟是21岁的年轻男子丹尼尔,丹尼尔不仅深爱着埃内…
  • 年轻的蒙古人爱上了他的主的女儿。她的父亲谴责他为罪犯,并称他为亡命之徒。蒙古人必须在充满背叛和欺骗的世界中…