
  • Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is thre…
  • The film's plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditi…
  • 在第三次世界大战期间,美国政府发起了一个秘密的项目代号为“陆军培根”,以创造超级士兵近交人与猪。25年后,一…
  • 某个纪录片摄制组正在调查一个系列残酷的杀戮,被人们称为“黑色水谋杀”。当他们深入了解这个故事后,他们偶然发…
  • Jennifer’s claim of having been raped by a classmate lies heavily on this idyll…
  • An imprisoned criminal rats out his former boss for one last chance to reunite his family and become the f…
  • 没有人出生在拉斯维加斯,这里只是沙漠中一个奇怪的地方,有些人很幸运留在了这里,有人则很不幸,也留在了这里,…
  • A group of guys living in a Brooklyn brownstone find their way through the harsh realities of life as they…