
  • 德國的悠悠夏日,烏克蘭的難民孩子們,落腳在過去納粹德軍的舊軍營,他們修理單車、學習德語、編織花冠,在道路凸…
  • 英国菲律宾裔新秀导演派瑞斯札西亚一鸣惊人获得SXSW影展评审团大奖和代表最佳首作雷鸟新星奖的《邪厄恩典》,描述…
  • As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a super…
  • Which Brings Me To You is a modern love story between two thirty something romantic burnouts told through …
  • A love story based on the bestseller by Robert Seethaler and is set in a remote Alpine village.
  • 本片是以法兰克福和科隆为背景的罪案惊悚片,罗伯特是一名卧底缉毒警察,为了摧毁大型贩毒集团他不得不假装与跨性…
  • 神秘怪物突袭,整个纽约城被冰封。新生代超能敢死队来到位于纽约市消防局的敢死队总部基地,在初代敢死队成员的帮…