
  • Why did the world suddenly treat stuffed animals like gold Ty Warner was a frustrated toy salesman until h…
  • Jonathan Fall是一位心地善良但很菜鸟的船长,他无意中发现自己是在为一个可怕的国际犯罪集团掌舵一艘走私船,该…
  • 官方宣布第三季
  • 将以更扣人心弦的故事、更火爆刺激的动作场面以及再度升级的视觉特效为观众带来一个神秘壮观的深海侏罗纪世界和一…
  • Years after an alien invasion almost extinguished human mankind, refugee on a secret base on the Moon, thr…
  • 聚焦一对英国夫妇丽芙和威尔,他们似乎拥有一切:坚如磐石的婚姻,在远离家乡几千英里的纽约过着光鲜的新生活,他…
  • 泄密的《敢死队3》无疑是一部很悲剧的电影。不过,作为一部硬汉题材的电影,它的另一层悲剧还在于影片为了获得更…
  • A former Marine and his old war buddy face off against the Mexican cartel behind the disappearance of his …